Archive for April 9th, 2008|Daily archive page

Holy Quran! Camel sells for 3 million.

Dubai’s crown prince paid $2.7 million for a camel during a desert festival celebrating Bedouin traditions in the emirate of Abu Dhabi.

OK folks, we can now rest easy at the gas pumps, because  we now know the big oil money is going to a great cause.   I guess 2.7 million is chump change for the Arabs .. or would that be hump change ?  

I must admit, she is a hansom hump back .  Makes you wonder what a blonde haired, blue eyed; breeding stock like Britney Spears would fetch in the desert ?  Camel jockies everywhere would be lining up in the desert to ride that blonde beauty :)

I apologize in advance for this beef.
